Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Least not the best thought is wrought with doubt

Clap clap clap...close your eyes.
The synthesizer cannot grasp the proclamations within your soft subtle whimpers.
Pause....and for a second can you see it? Look.....
Bright. Serious. Complex. Full of shit. Spent it's last penny 
My understanding is that I should tell you the high and lows of this malty sip.
First The Lord of light cast his decomposition on the hot fermentation that has rested in silence for the revival
Step two...crystal stem. Slice systematically to specifications for optimal perfection. Drip...drip...down the glass driving feature come the presentation.
Step own lips always have enjoyed the sound notes and cacophony of mad people. This one two speaks to my unused nature. Tones of heavy malts as well as a boozy spice to remind you that pirates still exist. The flavor is not fireworks and drunk "crunkles", but more balanced. 
Step four...11 percent. Crashing on my front door has shook my house. Why do the giants come on Wednesdays although they know it sleep in. Like the sound of trees falling in the woods the crash through. Spring air flows through the hallways while dust flecks glitter through my bedroom window. I ask "what's going on?". Step in the moment sir...the hardest part of waking up, is the actuality that you were here the whole time. 

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