Nice logo and art work. I appreciate the sea symbols, anchor, whale and compass.
The strong ale pours amber brown, a dark honey. Low foaming on pour. Just by look you know this is a chewable ale. Looks like a real ale with no forced carbonation. Up front aroma floral. The first taste was a bit off. The ale was overly cold, right from a refrigde, and most of the character was suppressed and what you got was the alcohol burn. I left the glass to warm up a bit. Upon return the floral airs were still there, the heavy malt airs were present. The taste was much better. Full malt body, a meal in itself, surrounded by hop bitterness, evenly balanced. There was a warm flush as the 10% ABV side of the ale hits ones cheeks. The finish was a strong bitter, a bit more than I like, but like the ales name, it is Strong. At the very end the malts return and wash back all the hop bitterness leaving one ready for the next bite....sip. Very Nice. I am looking forward to visiting and sampling their other beers. Cheers
About time for a field trip.