The paranoia of odor. We talk of substitution our hands bellow through silt and cuts obscure trenches. drags. Flesh overlaps context. As specter in an empire empty ideas begin to vanish. Blind in salt a word moves through lacerations minuscule. It is sight withdrawn taken in archaeology that we become gatherers. lemon cut to remember. thyme to
take me home, to the drink before I become dangerous. Or wind, cups of wampum to pour little broken things in spirals.
not falling into ocean=how do not yet seen it
Bill Buckner was a tap tap tap tap tap of the Macintosh Mine. fisher cats round the window. cast spells, lift tongues under thighbones for time & chance. plastic trinkets, cupped forearms, wet, land so numerous in the needle eye & the horses mouth never seen; its flank a husk of fantasy. I watch cannibals paint classification from the river. No city. No day. I was still not a wedding vow in marrow songs eager the starling turns talon through apron hung cradles of split tombstone memes serenade. some songs are about as eager to be born, and go
rumspringa jester pierces its tailbone
deviant, but never
Melts. Need a pairing knife. one who cannot touch must rhyme. muscle cut from descendants hinge {digest} consume. The myth consumes raw color. As a child consumed. drowned[ ] our magicians beer became purple without ceremony content as bivalves.
a true brew