like lightening in a sunset sky
you see it but you're not sure
imagine the sky forked light
blue white streak earthward
just barely beyond elm st hill
trucks and cars wipers slash water and wind
shields puddles streets just nigh flooded
ambulances crush out from brick abodes
skateboarders push downhill
hydro-plane slide into 1/2 broke
/construct shelter
soaking wet laugh slough
into/upon corner store
ta cokes and cookies
idle away sun rainbow shower
it's over let's go
Epic 12.12.12
beer with spice
I have been tasting this beer for a while, since I first saw it on the shelves of local beer and ale purveyors.
I recall not welcoming this item as much as the previous Epics.
Tonight...Airs Spice right off....Oh God is this another pumpkin/winter/Christmas thing?
Nope ...the spice air gives out to a mouthful of flavor cinnamon clove spruce (?evergreen?) warmth.
There is a nice warm mouth feel that breeds in after the first sip. The slow cheek warming alcohol feel is welcome after the spices. (I almost expect an apple flavor...and then it would be my mother-in-law's apple pie.....which is the best apple pie i have EVER tasted....but that is a different review)
The spice lingers but never, ever becomes a stab at dessert.
The finish is fine and sharp and begs a second, third, etc sip.
The Christmas thing hides nearby, yet I sense the developing maturity of a spicy barleywine that will surprise in years to come.
I am off tomorrow to try and score a couple more bottles before they disappear.
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