Wednesday, April 2, 2014


April 1st passed, Full Moon Ale  not served near.
mid day walk, roads sidewalk less, crossing rivers, strolling flooded state park trails.
Shrines every where.
Shrines for any heart felt idea.
Shrines are obvious, shrines are not seen.
Shrines, like days, associate.
Death side highway cross, abundant.
Using unsafe speeds I pass shrines on highways and roadsides.
who was that guy or gal?
What love lost, what life thread cut?
The bereft, denied life love
leave a cross to remind and recall
the lost, misplaced, called away, taken, slain, murdered, culled,
those removed, captured, death chartered, life measured, fished out,
the ones extracted, breath purloined,
those enveloped by the ghost.

who crafted this shrine?:
Cans of Fancy Feast on curbstone minus sidewalk!
This shrine may elevate a cat squished by auto tires to Sainthood?
Pain & loss overwhelm.
An empty dish and a sofaless cat
recall hours
sun drenched in window sleeping
screech of tires and a sick crunch of bones.

Yet an opener can reveal:

Original beer for some Bavarian hot shot
some King Ludwig.....maybe the first Oktoberfest Beer
very nice malts and equal hops on the finish side
aromas of malt......smooth beer very good 
the aged bowler trying to unmask the Batman
yes the full presence of  hops and malt
equal dinner in a glass.
No solids, one man in a soup kitchen once stated
just before he took bread and dipped into broth.
Creamy redness in glass (not headdress red )
off white foam head....2nd marriage dress colour
laces glass
small paw print in foam
A shrine
to beer and feline.

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