Sunday, March 30, 2014


Well a busy day here at the alfalfa processing plant.
Samuel Adams stopped by and left a four pack of Double Bock. Little did he know this is
one of my favorite store bought beers. This beer, with robust pour, offers a beautiful auburn body and a wonderful head of tanned almond hair. Head slowly surrenders it's bubbles and nestles down
(down feathery birds chickens alfalfa grains free range grange homesteaders germans doppelbock)
to a pleasant sipping beer.
 This beer particular has been castled away in a cooler at a local store and was shivering cold upon arrival at Main St. One bottle, opened, allowed to warm to a temperature that was comfortable and...... taste. Swell of malts and nut (from trees) dry moss, evenly in all corners and domes of mouth. Wonderful, just what I enjoy. A beer with malt and hop evenly balanced to create a meal.
Meanwhile, the alfalfa processing plant ......dead fish were found on door step. (see photo above) what kind of creature this is I do not know. Headless fish strew about the walkway......what kind of omen is this....and on a day when a Wormwood (see second photo above) centered beer was to be brewed......

100 black cats crossing my path after rising on the wrong side of the bed and seeing a red sunrise could not be more foreboding.

Anxiety and trepidation wrapped  me as I moved. Measure dried wormwood and toss into the cauldron upon one gallon of boiling water. ( Macbeth and Alice in Wonderland, are you there? can you hear me?) With  an ounce of misgiving I continue on the brew scheme. Carefully, uneasily, worrying, I pour the 170 degree F Wormwood Tea onto the warm barley grains. Hoping my premonition ( a beer ruined) was false, I mash the Wormwood Tea with couple more gallons of 167 degree F water.
Strike! Strike!
 Mash ye unto into a wort worthy of 75 minute boil. Be graced with an ounce of dried yarrow from last season. Wort, taken form the mash tun, brought to boil and break, a pound and a quarter of honey add to boil, pleasant dried yarrow toss in....ah....a great misty fog rises, eyeglass covered, sight hindered obscured...... an augur, a portend... suspicions awaken.....
Could this be a drink from above? Crafted just days after the oPPOSITE sIdE of the country was being wreft in two?
Egad dread alarm who goes there?  Pity me not, but lend thy serious hearing........and the voice and worry and fear subsided.....for what could be wort or worst.......
What comest bad from such Sunday? Brew schemes? For if Sunday be God's day.
 And I be one of God's creations?
What I brew..... be of God.....God brews?
Heavens, where have we wondered......quick, quick, Alice find us a rabbit us from here.........

posted by joe for T. Merity

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