Saturday, April 26, 2014

Smalls: the sacrament

I. Initial veneration

hold on orchard love this brew is prickles and tongue ciders sooth
as sacrilege this brew will remain in its soul bottle
if it is poison then I will die enchanted & full
breath of Stevie Nicks burning hop acolytes

priestess of Brett stumbling

ii. renewal

wet weapon you are salve of beer cider after pepperoni
I wish you all my dull brain cells in combustion
rapid     rapid weather system tart pull

      it's OK      wipe the grease with the coat of many colors
      but do not scold the beer with its fresh glove laid down      recompense

   iii. the burnt bones, the diamond shaped rock

          this is the beer that Dighton created before an english noble woman's name was given to the land of Chippenacutt

      scent of worn spring    felled hair     open mouth   ]

             the place of an innocent man

              how a river tastes in heat

iv. left/right tongue    an absurdist priest sonarizes a sour



Friday, April 25, 2014


As I DREAMED as a golden rubber band folding in corners of manuscripts mouthed from blue the beer did begin to take shape in PETALUMA

she takes my hand in feathers toward the flesh falling in ocean
broken backs weeping slung weather tied

LAGUNITA whispers  
                     "beer speaks. people mumble"

    perhaps it is opposite

I open my mouth to mumble streams and speak in tongues

“He has hallucinations. His wife also has hallucinations. If he has friends without hallucinations they prove untrue. It is a special case.” Elke Erb

     i am in fever with malt castrating tongue      good goddess what is that sludge 
         forming pellets for morning 

    hock-up     hock-up

                side effects include wet towel to mouth 7am & bloody stool

swell words taciturn        charmed lips        & rug burn

     bottom line
any brew +- 9.5 % is looking for skin in white water fever

            matter passing through matter, iron ring, left wrist falls when taken, phosphorous plates for phantoms, became blind, played the zither with empty bottle

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

TTL Clones....1st of 4 Blood Moons, in time past, 4/15 in past

this clone beer is very nice
malts and hops evenly balanced
at a young age
alms and shop

a christian web site alerted me to this omen
what does it mean?
4 blood moons....
more anger///

1493-1494 Expulsion from Spain
1949-1950 birth of Isreal
1967-1968 6 day war Jerusalem

today in the life of a world gave me this:

1738 invention of bottle opener, previously all bottles were broken and smashed at the neck, causing countless bleedings
1931 1st walk across America backwards. Why this had not been done before is still being discussed in the Walk Backward Society of America. (Some think it was a question of pavement.)
1955 1st McDonalds hamburger joint opened
1958 1st MLB baseball game in California, Giants beat Dodgers
1959 Fidel Castro begins goodwill tour of  USA
2013 3 killed, 183 injured in bombing at Boston Marathon
2013 33 killed, 163 injured in bombings in Iraq


posted by Joe for Alexandro de Alieno de Tauntonastro

Weyerbacher Tiny Belgian-style Imperial Stout

heavy crank case oil pours out
image dream buds go to true
black roasted malts and chocolate barleys
frontal bitterness
doesn't occur
smooth heavy weights malt
covers tongue and finishes way smoother the the ABV would imply
lips end sugary and may not be everyones liking

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Uinta Detour

a grave & an iron shoe
                             to boot   a beer entitled "Detour" 

a gathering of highwaymen tuck in paisley massaged handkerchiefs
one             a father of the highway in tosses hops pre and post boil
        others, with gnocchi greasing lips and drying tongue 
when told
    pour out water into the boil 
some with crossroads to bear    "object"

       the father crushes hops between leathered pointer & thumb

she burns the highway & places detour signs which paint themselves with a sun to rest

        however rarest this detracts not but least of all from steadfast blessed rolling alchy moorings
in azure skins of stubborn aluminum 

      father makes cold sour cherry soup for those who have retracted and oblongated from the interstate

she boils pours opens doors makes peace with the dull pinecone burp of doubled hops

        the alchy shallow before glass lifts an eye notably
  a few drops of rose oil are cut across inner wrist
     before sips * & ceremony begets 

        meanwhile the father tunes her fingers with slipped cuts of cooked lamb
takes another sip and begins

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Limbo IPA Revisited

well its hard to know
just what to say
when the ones you talk with
says "tell it to a rock"
or second note
A# sounds like
"call some one who cares"
or  are you building a lab somewheres?
just keep me informed
lights red and green
keep telling me how to write a
wrap one in the hay

so we opened these beers and quaffed them down
a person called melon phoned in
can't drink wid'a mental block
uncoil approach the open mike
sing fur coated songs of bears

in the early evening beer was opened
the hops attacked taste up front and slowly
engulfing the entire palette
colours were green and fresh to start
descend into yellow and tart
finish Suomi birch beer brewers
oh my can it be a beer from  far north of E-ti-lay
hops around colour red
a welcoming brew tasted before bed.

lavendaer beer comes soon but after
sweet and malty
perfumey in glass, first poured
cleared and aired wraps malts and more
beyond aroma comes feels
neary as nice as breast of woman
second place and there we are
sipping ales in early eves.

the day ends .......
plexicon helicans opt out
engagements with danish tourists
boondangle,d bed crumbs, beg
breagle crumbs wrestle
seagulls bestle on pavement
flack floor in glass strew
parking lot bottles neck
on a rock under someone who cares
hero in addiction help
parking no any street
not May not Novemeber
early Septembre
the meter is running =====

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


April 1st passed, Full Moon Ale  not served near.
mid day walk, roads sidewalk less, crossing rivers, strolling flooded state park trails.
Shrines every where.
Shrines for any heart felt idea.
Shrines are obvious, shrines are not seen.
Shrines, like days, associate.
Death side highway cross, abundant.
Using unsafe speeds I pass shrines on highways and roadsides.
who was that guy or gal?
What love lost, what life thread cut?
The bereft, denied life love
leave a cross to remind and recall
the lost, misplaced, called away, taken, slain, murdered, culled,
those removed, captured, death chartered, life measured, fished out,
the ones extracted, breath purloined,
those enveloped by the ghost.

who crafted this shrine?:
Cans of Fancy Feast on curbstone minus sidewalk!
This shrine may elevate a cat squished by auto tires to Sainthood?
Pain & loss overwhelm.
An empty dish and a sofaless cat
recall hours
sun drenched in window sleeping
screech of tires and a sick crunch of bones.

Yet an opener can reveal:

Original beer for some Bavarian hot shot
some King Ludwig.....maybe the first Oktoberfest Beer
very nice malts and equal hops on the finish side
aromas of malt......smooth beer very good 
the aged bowler trying to unmask the Batman
yes the full presence of  hops and malt
equal dinner in a glass.
No solids, one man in a soup kitchen once stated
just before he took bread and dipped into broth.
Creamy redness in glass (not headdress red )
off white foam head....2nd marriage dress colour
laces glass
small paw print in foam
A shrine
to beer and feline.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dogfish IBA

her eyes are swollen carbuncles & the stairs are paramount
with sinus cavity inflation so there is sharp cheddar cheese pressed between squares of sesame seed, salted butter, a red spatula grasped by an Imperial Brown Ale fist

there is the beer, which, as it goes,
 will not flesh for long with oxygen 

drafts from pints 2-4 are data streams, mucinex        clay mugs glazed golden flame
       Italian wedding meatballs & salt to fabricate thirst

    Dogfish is a knife to a Ouija board 
clearly brewed by the insane 
    and drunk by its acolytes 

           as to sip and sip again as caramel shivers into tongues side cavities
        balanced malts & enough sugar to leaven the bottle counter bound
enough to shake the knees with a pull blurry eyed 

 if my grandad was building the porch which was torn down and will be built again he would not sip this brew but be a boy again and his legs would be made of chalk from which alchemical signatures would be sewn across this grandson's cleft palate  

as for specifics 
           there are hints of future root revealed {revelled}
wet weather, burnt marshmallows over scrotal cellulitis flame
         headline reads:
   :future niece sacrifices education for open road revelry:

good enough for this brew 
cut taut at 7 . something full with
               long draws of moonscapes & fatty tuna typhoons never seen 

my cousin, if {and he will ask} to draw sips from the sharks lips would shudder     crooked bottom lip an attic step to upper bending bow    
                  a pelican with hexagrams for teeth dreams churtles olly olly oxen free
& I agree        
        I am home